Wild Deodorant Review: Unmasking the Truth - Does it Really Work?

Wild Deodorant Review: Unmasking the Truth – Does it Really Work?

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Alright, let’s get real—you’re probably here because, like me, you’ve been grappling with whether or not to ditch the conventional, drug store deodorants for something a bit more au naturel. That’s where this review comes in. I gave Wild Deodorant (wearewild.com) a whirl, and after getting friendly with it for the last 6 months, I figured, why not spill the beans on how it worked out?  

Now you might be wondering, “Why the heck did they even decide to try a natural deodorant?” Good question, my friend.

I’m guessing, just like me, you’ve been raising an eyebrow at the mile-long list of tongue-twisting chemicals in your everyday deodorant. Some of ’em have even been linked to some real nasty health problems! And close on cue, every time I smeared on that conventional sludge, my pits would go all Mick Jagger on me—they stung!

I bounced between brands but it was the same gut-wrenching story. And here’s the kick – my underarms started getting darker, like a totally cringe-worthy tan. Ring the alarm, right? Looked like those pesky chemicals were up to no good. And if that wasn’t the pits (pun totally intended), I was keen on finding an option that wasn’t a slap in Mother Earth’s face. Enter, stage right, Wild Deodorant – all fresh, all natural. Victory lap, anyone? 

Still, I know that making a switch to a new product, especially one you use every day, can be daunting.

You want to make sure it’s just right.

So, stay tuned as I dive deeply into my six-month experience with Wild Deodorant, giving you an honest review to guide your decision-making. 


Use this discount code: ELANI

Ready to go Wild? Here’s Why You Should Consider  

You know, I’m all for keeping it real and treating my body right. That’s exactly why typical drugstore deodorants no longer make the cut. Too many chemicals, too much waste—Not on my watch!

So, with all things considered, I got myself hitched onto Wild Deodorant.

And why, you might ask? Well, here’s the lowdown:

  • Au Naturale: No more getting slathered in dodgy ingredients. Decked out with zero parabens and absolutely no aluminum salts, Wild Deodorant really floated my boat.
  • Planet-lovin’ packaging: A major reason why I hitched my wagon to Wild was their ground-breaking refillable aluminium cases and compostable deodorant refills. It’s all part of the plan to kick plastics to the curb and I’m 100% here for it.
  • Smell the rainbow: What’s not to love about Wild Deodorant with their plethora of rad, natural fragrances? Whether you’re feeling a little spicy with some Orange & Neroli, or wanting to cool down with an Aloe Vera & Mint. Maybe even fancy a tropical twist with some Coconut & Vanilla, there’s no shortage of options to cater for those ever-changing #mood n’ vibes.

My Wild Deodorant Adventure  

So, I’ve been slathering this Wild Deodorant on my underarms for like, half a year now, right? 

And let me tell ya — it’s smooth as butter on applying, sucks right into the skin, and, here’s the kicker — it does the trick. 

Even after huffing and puffing my way through a hectic day, it clung on like a champ, smelling fine as ever.  

Been using Wild on my kiddo too, she’s 10. Crazy, yeah? 

Want to know why? 

Simply put, it’s stacks safer than the deodorants us folks usually use. 

Plus, I mean, if I can shield her delicate skin from harmful junk, why wouldn’t I? 

wild refill deo

Giddy up and join the Wild side, y’all! Snag this sweet deal with this magic code: ELANI

At first glance, you may think, “Man, that’s pricier than my usual stick.” I get ya, buddy. 

But let’s chew on this – the up-front cash might be more, but the rewards you’re gonna reap for your pits and our green mother Earth? Totally worth every penny! 

Consider this – you ain’t forking out dough for a new plastic deo stick every month. Nope! You’re just reloading these nifty little pods. It’s a win-win for your skin, your wallet, and our planet!

Does Wild Deodorant Jam on the Aluminium Breaks? And Why Should You Give a Hoot?

Hollerin’ out loud, “Is Wild Deodorant aluminium-free?” 

Absolutely, folks, it is! 

Without skipping a beat, they chose the no-aluminium route, leaving behind a common deodorant ingredient that’s as popular as dogs in a park. 

This move? It’s a sweet deal for your bod.  

So, what’s it in for you? 

Lookie here, a ton of deodorants on the shelf throw in aluminium compounds like aluminium chlorohydrate or aluminium zirconium. 

They work by forming a gel barrier on your skin, clogging up your sweat glands like a city during rush hour. 

Effective? Yes. Beneficial for your well-being? That’s a heated debate.  

The jury’s still out on whether aluminium is chummy with conditions like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s.  

I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to play Russian roulette with my health. 

Newsflash: Sweating is A-OK! It helps our bodies chill and ditch unwanted toxins. Wild Deodorant, giving aluminium the boot, only fixes the funky smell, not your sweat game.  

Another quirk? Aluminium-laden deodorants often cause itchiness, skin darkening and underarm tantrums—not my idea of cool. 

On the other hand, Wild Deodorant lets Mother Nature roll its dice, and the result? A gentler, more skin-loving experience, ticking all my right boxes! 

If you’re keen on dialing back on chemicals, being health-conscious, or simply wanting a more natural, skin-respecting choice, why not give Wild Deodorant a whirl? 

JUMP INTO THE WILD HERE & snag it with this code: ELANI

Does Wild Do Its Thing For Every Skin Type?

Alright pal, so you’re asking if Wild Deodorant has got the goods for all skin types, yeah? Well, let’s break this down. 

Wild is all about that natural, vegan life. Not only is it rad for the environment, but it’s also super chill on your skin. No nasty stuff here. 

No painful chemicals, fake scents, or anything else that typical deodorants like to sneak in there. 

So, what does that mean when you’ve got different skin types in the mix? 

Dude, it does pretty freakin’ well, if I say so myself! 

Non-Fussy Skin  

If your skin is usually chill, then Wild Deodorant should be up your alley. My experience? It kept things nice and moisturized without turning into an oil slick—a rare find in the land of deo, folks.  

Sensitive Skin 

If you’re like me and have skin that freaks out at the drop of a hat, trying new stuff can be a risky game. But Wild Deodorant was super smooth—no creepy rashes, no irritation, just fresh, dry comfort all day. It’s like finding the unicorn of skin-friendly deodorants right?  

Dry Skin 

For you dry skin soldiers out there, Wild might just be your secret weapon. That creamy, hydrating magic worked wonders for me, providing the hydration control that big names can’t seem to figure out. Go figure. 

Oily Skin  

Hey my oily skin buddies, you might be eyeing this thinking it’ll make things worse, right? Nah, Wild Deodorant’s got your back. It smashes weird smells, balances your oils, and leaves no sticky leftovers to deal with.  

So, final verdict? Hell yeah, Wild Deodorant can roll with any skin type. 

Why Wild Deodorant is the Cat’s Pajamas

Man, let me lay it down for you: Wild Deodorant has become my go-to, can’t-live-without, ride-or-die self-care item. Dig into the reasons why this product’s got me so hyped: 

  • All Things Natural: This java uses the straight goods, no preservatives, colorings, or funny substances that could rub my skin the wrong way. And they throw in some shea butter for a silky smoothness.
  • Planet Lovin’: This isn’t only about us, folks. It’s also about the big ol’ rock we’re living on. I dig how Wild’s making moves to keep Mother Earth healthy.
  • Dope Custom Cases: Let’s talk individual-style, okay? Wild gets that we’re all unique and offers to engrave their fancy deodorant cases. You get to have a piece of your personality etched in.
  • Basic Breezy: With a subscription service that’s as easy as Sunday morning, Wild’s got our backs for every repurchase. Seriously, it’s all gravy.

Plus, let’s not forget these slick deodorant cases are reusable and the refills are compostable. Total win-win, right? 

Talk about sleek packing: these little soldiers of freshness come packaged in bamboo pulp – compost ’em or recycle ’em. No biggie. They’re just upping their green game. 

Pals, here’s another big thumbs up: Wild Deodorant is all about that NO aluminium salts or parabens life. We gotta acknowledge that – no pore clogging, no harm to our skin. 

This could be a game changer for those among us focused on keeping our skin game on point.

Now, let’s gab about another gem from Wild’s collection — their mini deodorants

Yo, it’s all about that green life, right? These little bad boys are packaged like lip balms, but swap out the plastic for eco-friendly cardboard instead. 

Whether you’re jet-setting across the globe, logging in at the office, getting your learn on at school, or flexing those muscles at the gym, these pocket-sized wonders gotchu covered. 

Basically, for all you busy bees, these mini deodorants are just the ticket for deo on the fly. 

Ready to go Wild? Hit it HERE. And here’s a little somethin’-somethin’ from me to you — use the discount code ELANI and watch that price tag drop. You’re welcome!

Last Call

Slingin’ on deodorant each morning should be an act of self-care, not one of self-sabotage, feel me? 

Slipping into the natural, eco-lovin’ groove with something like Wild Deodorant is one heck of a cool move in that direction. 

Give it a shot. Not just for the wildly kickass fragrances or the top-drawer effectiveness. But for all the healthy, wholesome goodness it brings to the party. 

I gotta tell ya, switching lanes to Wild was one of the best decisions I’ve made — and who knows, maybe you could be singing the same tune soon enough. 

Don’t sweat about stepping out of your comfort zone. Remember, folks — sometimes, the smallest steps can take you the longest distances. 

So check out Wild Deodorant, you never know — it might just be the game-changer you’ve been hunting for in your daily routine. 

PICK UP WILD RIGHT HERE and hey, here’s a sweet % off with this code: ELANI

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