wild shower gel

We Are Wild Shower Gel/Body Wash Review

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Alrighty folks, buckle up because we’re diving headfirst into my take on the We Are Wild shower gel. 

But before we jump in, let’s set the stage, shall we? For the uninitiated amongst you, We Are Wild is a brand birthed in the good ol’ UK with a straightforward but powerful mission.

These folks are out to whip up hygiene products that do the planet good, loaded to the brim with nothing but nature’s finest and safest ingredients. Now, ain’t that a concept we can all get behind?

Before we dive in, why don’t you catch up on my riveting review about their all-natural, green-as-a-leaf, refillable deodorants packed with sustainability? It’s right there for ya HERE.

Ready to take a deep dive into the latest product from their shelves? Yeah, boy! We’re talking about their kick-ass body wash/shower gel.

Guess what? They’ve nailed it by packing in the best that Mother Nature has to offer, making these bad boys perfect for all skin types.

And the cherry on top? No parabens, aluminum, or sulfates! How ’bout them apples, eh? 

And get this – these luxurious body washes come in refillable bamboo bottles that are 100% compostable and plastic-free. Pop ’em into their sleek reusable aluminium dispenser pump bottles, and voila! No wastage, no guilt. Isn’t that just the bee’s knees?

Ready to go Wild? Hit it HERE. And here’s a little somethin’ from me to you — use the discount code ELANI and watch that price tag drop. You’re welcome!

Rolling With the We Are Wild Body Wash 

Okay, my lovelies, are you set for a bubbly adventure with the WeAreWild body wash? Buckle up, honeybun, because it’s about to be a whole lotta fun! 

Alrighty folks, full confession time. I’ve been a hardcore, raving, never-look-back kind of fan of WeAreWild deodorants for what seems like eternity now. So when they sprung their shower gel series on us, you can bet your sweet patootie I was practically tripping over myself, vying for pole position! 

Guess what, they absolutely nailed it. I kid you not, the aroma from these bad boys? It’s like sniff-testing the pure essence of bliss, and I don’t say that lightly. Plus, I’ve got this finicky, high-maintenance skin type that throws tantrums at the drop of a hat. And these radiant charmers? Not a single skincare siege, zip! 

What’s more, post my scrub-a-dub sessions, these ingenious gel bamboo bottles make a beeline for the compost bin. Talk about guilt-free indulgence! It’s fair to say, these shower gels have stirred quite the tidal wave in my everyday routine. 

Each refill packs 350ml of body wash, and lemme tell ya, one refill lasts lil ol’ me just over a month, granted I shower twice daily – once at dawn, once at dusk. But hey, to each their own suds schedule. 

Oh, and you just HAVE to give some kudos to Wild’s customer service. Y’all, their dedication to sunshine-level customer euphoria is akin to stumbling upon a glittering unicorn in a candy-floss cloud. Truly unparalleled! 

Alrighty, let’s get down to business, shall we? These bad boys come in four distinct ‘scents’. What’s that about? Well, let’s dive right in, folks!

Fresh Cotton and Sea Salt 

Alright pals, let me tell ya about an aroma that’s gonna kickstart your day with a bang. Ready? Okay, it’s Fresh Cotton and Sea Salt. I mean, who doesn’t love a good ol’ whiff of clean laundry-meets-the-beach, huh? It’s like the essence of crisp linens meets the invigorating sea breeze. One word – divine!

And What About That ‘Thunderstorm’, Eh? 

Now let’s dive into the ‘Thunderstorm’. Packed with energy and freshness, it’s like that excitement you feel in the air after a storm has just rolled past. The scent hits your nostrils with a one-two punch of fresh rain, vibrant green leaf, and robust oakmoss. Feels invigorating, doesn’t it? 

Aloe Vera Meets Mint 

Imagine kick-starting your day with a cocktail of chill mint and soothing aloe vera. Sound good, right? Makes you feel like you’ve stepped into a cool summer breeze first thing in the morning.

Let’s Dish About Coconut and Vanilla, Shall We? 

Think a beautiful tango of tropical decadence meets pure indulgence. The aroma is like paradise found, honey! Thats why its on the top of my go-to list!

wild shower gel

Ready to enter the wild? Giddy up and join the Wild side, y’all! Snag this sweet deal with this magic code: ELANI

Final Thoughts

Okay, let’s wrap this wild ride up, shall we? Having ventured into the aromatic forest of We Are Wild’s body wash gels, what’s the final drill down, you ask? 

Well, here you have body washes that don’t just clean – nah, that’s too basic – they make it a dang aromatic experience. And let’s not forget how they stick brownie points on our karma board for being planet-friendly. Plus, these are products you can grab without a second thought because they’ve got zilch on the nasties. No parabens. No sulfates. Hell, they don’t even ride the palm oil wagon. How responsibly wild, right? 

Did you say vegan? Honey, these things are as vegan as a bulb of raw broccoli with a side of hummus. Yes, they’re that guilt-free! 

But let’s take a minute here. Did they live up to the hype? Did they make this wild child’s heart race? You better believe it! Not many can make me talk body washes over brunch, but these ones are queueing up for the topic, pronto! 

In a nutshell? If you want body washes that pack a smell-good punch, make your skin do the happy dance, and actually look out for Mother Earth – well, sweetie pie, you’ve hit the jackpot with We Are Wild. Go ahead, take a wild turn in your skincare routine, ’cause sometimes, wild is just the tamed, waiting for a walk on the unleashed side. 

So there you have it, folks. The go on WeAreWild’s body washes. If you’re in for a shower-time revolution, these guys have got you covered. In a sea of here-today-gone-tomorrow skincare fads, these wash gels are definitely worth going wild for, don’t you think? 

‘Til next time, keep it wild, keep it sassy!

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